Friday, January 27, 2012

Prayer Request for the Quispe Family

Please pray for the family of Rogilio and Ings Quispe.  This family attends the church of Pastor Guiliana Anchante.  Some of you may remember Guiliana who runs a feeding center and church in Peruarbo.  She has specifically requested prayer for the family, the church and herself.

The Quispe family are the four in front in this picture.  The father Rogilio is not in this photo although he also attends the church in Peruarbo.


This family has suffered a tragic loss.  On Wednesday, the Quispe family was in a taxi going to town and a bus hit the taxi.  Their 3 year old son was killed immediately.  Their 4 year old daughter is in the hospital on life support and the doctors give no hope to the family.  Their third child is a baby less than a year old who seems to be okay.  The father and mother were both hurt but they will survive.  The daughter’s name is Sayuri.  Please bring her before God’s throne of Grace and mercy and pray for a miracle.

This family is very poor but they have been so loyal to their church.  Their son was buried yesterday and they are hurting so much.  The father is very angry and the mother can’t stop crying.  There seems to be no justice because the man who hit them was brought before a judge and immediately let go even though he was clearly negligent.

This mother and father are fairly new Christians so please pray that they will cling to God and their faith in this difficult time.

If God moves on your heart to help this family financially, I am sure it would be appreciated.  They will have tremendous hospital bills and they could not even afford the funeral yesterday.  Please call us at 727-216-9617 or send an email to for information on donating specifically for this family.

Thank you so much for your prayers,


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Heaven Sent Ministries Team

Thank you so much for your prayers.  The team from Heaven Sent Ministries has arrived.  God was so merciful to open the heavens enough for their plane to come before the bad weather arrived.  They arrived tired but ready to  work.  You can’t imagine how much medicine they brought!  There are doctors and nurses and all kinds of support staff for this team.  They start clinics tomorrow and I am sure the people will be glad to see them.

They also brought vitamins and food for a feeding center.  They spent hours this afternoon sorting medicines as you can see from the photos below.  The team also met with MMI (Medical Ministries International).  We are partnering with MMI to carry out this team project.  It was a great time as we got to know everyone.  I just can’t understand why everyone doesn’t want to try cuy at least one time during the week.

Please keep them in your prayers all this week as they minister to the hearts and physical needs of many.

If you are interested in joining a team, please contact us.

May God’s love enfold you,



Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pray for the arriving team

Please be praying for the team which arrives today and tomorrow.  We have some team members stuck in Lima today.  Their flight was supposed to arrive in Arequipa from Lima today at noon but the weather has postponed their flight.  Another part of the team is supposed to arrive tomorrow.  Please pray for them all to arrive safely in God’s perfect timing.

God bless you,


Friday, January 13, 2012

Los Retos Del Nuevo Año

En este Nuevo año tendremos muchos, y tal vez, más desafíos que durante este año que está por finalizar.

En EEUU la mayoría de la gente hace un compromiso al comienzo de un nuevo año. Es una resolución para el nuevo año. Por ejemplo:

Dejar de fumar.

Dejar de beber.

Leer mi Biblia todos los días.

Ir a la iglesia cada semana.

Pasar más tiempo con mi familia.

Perder peso.

Dejar de llegar tarde al trabajo.

Cuando comienza el nuevo año, están ilusionados de tomar el reto. A la mayoría de la gente les gusta un reto, pero no les agrada cuando tienen que trabajar duro por un largo tiempo. Por ejemplo, es fácil ayudar por un día pero no es tan fácil ayudar por una semana o un mes.

Jos 1:2-9 Mi siervo Moisés ha muerto; ahora pues, levántate, cruza este Jordán, tú y todo este pueblo, a la tierra que yo les doy a los hijos de Israel. 3 Todo lugar que pise la planta de vuestro pie os he dado, tal como dije a Moisés. 4 Desde el desierto y este Líbano hasta el gran río, el río Eufrates, toda la tierra de los hititas hasta el mar Grande que está hacia la puesta del sol, será vuestro territorio. 5 Nadie te podrá hacer frente en todos los días de tu vida. Así como estuve con Moisés, estaré contigo; no te dejaré ni te abandonaré. 6 Sé fuerte y valiente, porque tú darás a este pueblo posesión de la tierra que juré a sus padres que les daría. 7 Solamente sé fuerte y muy valiente; cuídate de cumplir toda la ley que Moisés mi siervo te mandó; no te desvíes de ella ni a la derecha ni a la izquierda, para que tengas éxito dondequiera que vayas. 8 Este libro de la ley no se apartará de tu boca, sino que meditarás en él día y noche, para que cuides de hacer todo lo que en él está escrito; porque entonces harás prosperar tu camino y tendrás éxito. 9 ¿No te lo he ordenado yo? ¡Sé fuerte y valiente! No temas ni te acobardes, porque el SEÑOR tu Dios estará contigo dondequiera que vayas.

“Mi siervo Moisés ha muerto”

Era un tiempo de gran cambio para Israel, la gente de Dios. Estaban enfrentando muchos cambios y era una aventura estimulante. Algunos de ellos probablemente se emocionaron, algunos estaban nerviosos, algunos estaban ansiosos, y algunos tenían miedo.

Este es un decisivo cambio para las iglesias del Perú. Pero con el nuevo año vienen desafíos.

Los desafíos que enfrentan ustedes son los mismos que enfrentaron los Israelitas.

Desafío numero uno:

1. El reto de liderazgo

La escritura que leímos nos mostró un cambio de liderazgo de Moisés a Josué. Siempre hay un reto de liderazgo. No importa quién es el líder, siempre hay un desafío que los lideres aceptamos y asumimos. La gente de Israel tuvo que tomar una decisión. Ellos podrían haberse quejado de Josué como líder o ellos podrían haberlo aceptado. Estoy seguro que algunos de ellos se quejaron.

El reto para ustedes es ver si ustedes pueden trabajar con sus líderes y realizar el trabajo de la iglesia. ¿O va usted a quejarse sobre los líderes y no les ayudará? Algunas personas aun hacen lo imposible para que los lideres no tengan éxito. No es un desafío si el líder es alguien que quieres, pero si el líder es alguien que no le gusta, entonces es un gran desafió.

¿Cumplirán ustedes el desafío de liderazgo?

El desafío número dos

2. El reto de cruzar

Era el tiempo para Israel a cruzar el Rio Jordán. Eso significaba que ellos no podían regresar. Significaba que ellos tenían que poner su corazón entero en el trabajo de conquistar la tierra. Después de que ellos cruzaron el Jordán, ellos sabían que estaban comprometidos a terminar el trabajo de conquistar la tierra. El problema era que casi nadie tenía experiencia cruzando el agua. Tendrían que depender de Dios para hacer algo.

Los israelitas habían cruzado el Mar Rojo cuando salieron de Egipto, pero una generación entera tuvo que morir excepto Caleb y Josué. Dios hizo un trabajo maravilloso en el pasado, ninguno de ellos lo vieron pero algunos lo recordaban. Ellos necesitaron cruzar de la duda y entrar a una postura de confianza en Dios. Necesitaron confiar que Dios podría hacer algo maravilloso nuevamente.

Hubo un tiempo de renacimiento en Perú. Era un tiempo en lo cual Dios hizo milagros y un gran trabajo aquí y tal vez algunos de ustedes lo recuerdan. ¿Pero qué hay del resto de ustedes? ¿Realmente quieren que Dios se mueva con poder nuevamente o ustedes solamente lo están diciendo, esperando en sus propias fuerzas y no en el poder de Dios? ¿Creen ustedes que El pueda hacerlo este año?

¿Asumirán el reto de cruzar la línea de la duda a la confianza este año?

El desafío numero tres

3. El reto de la conquista

Cuando Israel entró a la tierra prometida, ellos se encontraron con enemigos poderosos. Los enemigos tenían fortalezas, torres fuertes, muros altos y muchas armas. Ellos eran expertos en batallas. Ellos eran enormes y fuertes, y tenían una presencia aterradora.

Ellos estuvieron luchando para mantener su territorio.

Ustedes tienen algunos enemigos que conquistar este año venidero. El enemigo ha construido fortalezas en su vida y dentro de la iglesia este año que está por terminar. El no cederá terreno que ya ha tomado. El luchará en contra de ustedes para mantener este terreno conquistado.

No se cual es el terreno que el enemigo ha tomado de tu vida, pero tú sabes cuál es.

¿El odio ha entrado a tu corazón?

¿La lujuria se acentuó en tu mente?

¿Te has alejado del estudio y la oración?

¿Has hablado mentiras en contra de tus hermanos?

¿Has acusado injustamente?

¿Has dejado de dar tus diezmos y ofrendas?

¿El enemigo ha ganado terreno dentro de la iglesia?

Necesitamos vencer a nuestro enemigo este año. Debemos entender que nuestro único enemigo es el diablo. Si no vencemos a nuestro enemigo, nosotros nunca poseeremos todo lo que Dios tiene para nosotros. Tan solo viviremos en la tierra, con el enemigo robándonos todo el tiempo y causándonos problemas por siempre. Dios nos ayudará a vencer a nuestro enemigo.

¿Asumirás el reto de reconquistar el terreno tomado por el enemigo este año?

El desafío numero cuarto.

4. El reto del autocontrol.

Cuando llegó el tiempo para Israel de ingresar a la tierra prometida, ellos no llevaban una vida disciplinada. Ellos eran vagabundos y envidiosos. También, pensaban que todo lo que ellos deseaban, Dios se los iba a dar, sin tener que hacer nada.

En el desierto ellos recibieron alimento, el maná, de Dios sin hacer nada. Pero ahora Dios no iba darles el maná, por nada. El maná se acabó cuando ellos cruzaron el Río Jordán. Ahora debían trabajar para alimentarse. Debían disciplinar sus vidas. Debían de trabajar y luchar todos juntos para ser exitosos y conquistar a sus enemigos.

Para ser un soldado necesitamos ser disciplinados.

Un soldado no puede estar sentado todo el tiempo sin hacer nada.

El debe aprender a usar sus armas.

El debe ser disciplinado.

El debe obedecer las órdenes de su comandante, siempre.

Y no debe dejar que su comandante lo escuche quejándose.

Somos soldados en el ejército de Dios. Así que debemos mantener el control de nuestras vidas. Tener control de tu vida significa tener algo de disciplina. Debemos tener disciplina en nuestra vida. Si somos soldados, necesitamos hacer lo que quiere nuestro comandante. ¿Puedes imaginar un ejército donde cada soldado hace solo lo que quiere?

¿Asumirás el reto de autocontrol y tendras mas disciplina en tu vida?

5. El quinto reto que tienen ustedes es el reto de terminar su trabajo

Dios le mandó a Israel a conquistar la tierra, Él les dijo aniquilar totalmente sus enemigos en la tierra prometida. Pero ellos no terminaron el trabajo. Solo hicieron lo suficiente para obtener su tierra. Cuando ellos creyeron haber derrotado el enemigo totalmente, ellos dejaron de luchar porque ellos podían vivir cómodamente en sus ciudades. Tal vez ellos estaban cansados de luchar o tal vez estaban perezosos. Se rindieron y dijeron, “Esto es suficiente.” Pero era mucho menos de lo que Dios quería que ellos tengan.

Algunos de nosotros estamos como los Israelitas. No terminamos lo que desea Dios. Nos hemos detenido a la mitad del camino. No hemos terminado nuestro trabajo tampoco. Hemos sido salvados pero no poseemos todo lo que Dios tiene para nosotros. Probablemente es porque estamos muy flojos para estudiar Su palabra o permitimos que otras cosas sean más importantes que Dios. Por ejemplo, hemos tenido más de cien estudiantes en el instituto bíblico pero vamos a tener menos de doce graduados este año.

¿Recuerden ustedes lo que yo dije sobre las propósitos para el nuevo año en el principio del mensaje? La triste verdad es que la mayoría de la gente que se propone una meta no las cumple. Los cristianos que dicen, “Este año voy a pelear una buena batalla” o “Voy a orar y leer mas mi Biblia” probablemente no van a cumplir ese propósito.

Tal vez lo cumplirán por una semana o un mes o al final se cansaran, distraídos o perezosos.

Si vamos a hacer 2012 mejor que 2011, entonces necesitamos hacerlo mejor ahora! No solo debemos empezar bien sino también debemos terminar bien. Necesitamos terminar el próximo año mejor de lo que estamos terminando este año. Necesitamos más fervor para el reino del Señor este año.

¿Asumirás el reto de terminar el trabajo del Señor este año?

Hay unas pocas cosas más que deberían saber. Miren versículo 6 de Josué, capitula uno. Dios le dio un mandamiento a Josué y a los Israelitas (y a nosotros).

Él dijo, “Sé fuerte y valiente.”

En verso 7 y 9 Él dijo lo mismo.

No deberíamos ser débiles o cobardes, porque el Señor estará con nosotros. ¡Él no nos abandonará!

Es el deseo de Dios que nosotros derrotemos a nuestro enemigo, el diablo. Si estamos viviendo correctamente tendremos la seguridad de que podremos vencer al enemigo.

Dios le dio a Josué y a los Israelitas un difícil desafío, pero también El les dio lo que necesitaban para cumplir este desafío. Enfrentaremos algunas dificultades en el 2012 pero el Señor ira delante de nosotros.

Seremos exitosos.

The Challenges of a New Year

This is a new year and you will have many challenges during this year.

In the U.S. most people make a commitment at the beginning of the new year. A New Year’s resolution.


Give up smoking

Stop drinking

Read my Bible every day

Go to church every week

Spend more time with my family

Lose weight

Stop being late to work

Then as the new year starts they eagerly take up the challenge to do the things they committed to do. Most people like a challenge, but they don’t like it when they have to work hard for a long time. (Fasting for one day is easy, but fasting for a week is hard. What about a 40 day fast?)

Joshua 1:2-9

“Now Moses my servant is dead…”

This was a great turning point in the time of God’s people Israel. They were facing a time of great change but it was also a very challenging adventure. Some of them were probably excited, some were scared, some were nervous, some were eager, and some of them were afraid that they could not succeed with the challenges that were coming. Some of them would fail, like Achan and some of them like Caleb would meet the challenges and succeed.

This is also a great turning point for the churches in Peru and the United States. With this new year there are new challenges.

The same challenges that lay ahead of Israel also lies ahead of you.

1. The challenge of leadership

Change in leadership—the scripture we read showed a change in leadership from Moses to Joshua. No matter who is the leader there is always a challenge to accept them and to follow them. The people had a decision to make, they could complain about Joshua as the new leader or they could accept him. I’m sure some did complain.

When there is a change in leaders at a church, it is a dangerous time for the

church and for individuals in the church. Your challenge is to see if you can work with your leaders and get the job done. Or will you complain about the leaders and not help them, and even do things to make sure they don’t succeed. It’s no challenge if the leader is the one you wanted, but if it’s someone you don’t like then it is a big challenge.

Will you meet the challenge of leadership?

2. The challenge of crossing

It was now time for Israel to cross the Jordan River. That meant there was no turning back. It meant they were putting their whole heart into conquering the land. Once they crossed the Jordan, everyone knew they were committed to finishing the job and conquering the land. The problem was that almost no one had experience crossing water. They would have to depend on God to do something.

The Israelites had crossed the Red Sea when they came out of Egypt, but a whole generation had died except for Joshua and Caleb. God had done a mighty work in the past and none of them saw it but some of them remembered it. There was a point in their minds where they would have to cross over from doubt and fear to trusting God with their whole heart. They had to trust that He would do something mighty again.

In the past there was a time of revival in the U.S.. There was a time when God did a mighty work and some of you remember it. But what about the rest of you? Do you really want God to move in mighty ways again here or are you just saying that you do. Do you trust Him to bring it this year.

Will you meet the challenge of crossing from doubt to trust this year?

3. The challenge of conquest

When Israel entered the Promised Land they found powerful enemies.

They had strongholds, high walls and lots of weapons.

They were experienced at fighting. They were big and strong and scary looking.

They were fighting to keep their territory.

You have some enemies to conquer this year. The enemy has built some strongholds in your life and in the church this past year. He will not want to give up that ground he has taken. He will fight you to keep you from conquering ground this year.

I don’t know what ground the enemy has taken in your life, but you do.

Has hate entered your heart?

Does lust dwell in your mind?

Are you drawn away from prayer and study?

Gossip, lies, etc.

Does he keep you from paying your tithe?

Has the enemy gained ground in your family, relatives?

Has he gained ground in the church?

We need to conquer our enemy this year. You understand that we really only have one enemy—satan. If we do not conquer our enemy, we will never possess all that God has for us. We’ll just be living in the Land, with the enemy stealing from us all the time and forever causing us problems.

God will help us conquer our enemy.

Will you meet the challenge of taking back the ground that the enemy has taken this year?

4. The challenge of self-control

When the time came for Israel to go into the Promised Land, they had no discipline in their life. They were wanderers and they were complainers.

They also thought that everything they needed, God would just hand it to them and they wouldn’t have to do anything. Now, God was not going to just hand them their food like He gave them the “Manna” in the desert. The manna stopped when they crossed the Jordan River. Now they would have to do a little work. They would have to get some discipline in their life. They would really have to work together and fight together, if they were going to conquer their enemies.

Being a soldier takes discipline.

He can’t just sit around doing nothing all day.

He must get his life in order.

He must learn to use his weapons.

He must be disciplined.

He must obey his commander’s orders—always.

And he’d better not let his commander hear him complaining.

We are soldiers in the Lord’s army so we must get some control of our life. Taking control of your life means getting some discipline. We must get some discipline in our daily life. We must learn to use our weapons, not just carry them around. We must put aside what we want and do what our commander wants us to do.

Can you imagine an army where every soldier did only what he wanted to do?

“I don’t feel like fighting today.”

“This weapon is too heavy, I’ll just leave it home today.”

Will you meet the challenge of self-control and get some discipline in your life this year?

5. The challenge of Finishing the job

God told Israel to conquer the Land. He told them to totally annihilate the enemies in the Land, but they only did enough to get by. They never finished the job. When they

defeated enough of the enemy that they could live comfortably in their cities, they stopped fighting. They got tired of fighting or they got lazy. They gave up and said, “This is enough.” But it was so much less than what God wanted them to have.

Some of us are like the Israelites. We have no closure. We have stopped half way. We haven’t finished the job. We have gotten saved but we don’t possess all that God has for us because we are just too lazy to study His Word or we let other things become more important. How many people start school and don’t finish? How many will start Bible college and not finish the job?

Remember what I told you about New Year’s resolutions at the beginning of the message? The sad truth is that most people who make New Year’s resolutions will not keep them very long. The sad truth is also that most Christians who say, “This year I will fight the good fight,” don’t finish that job either. They’ll fight the good fight for a week or two or maybe a month, then they get tired, distracted or lazy.

If we are going to make 2012 better than 2011, then we have to do better. We can’t just start out strong for God, we have to keep on and finish the job. We have to end this year with more zeal than we started the year.

Will you meet the challenge of finishing the job this year?

There are a few other things you need to know to make this new year successful. Look at verse 6 in Joshua chapter 1. You’ll see that God gave a command to Joshua and the Israelites .

God said, “Be strong and of good courage.”

Then in verse 7, God repeated, “Be strong and of good courage.”

Now look at verse 9 and you’ll see that it is repeated again and this time God explains what He is talking about:

Don’t be afraid.

Don’t dismay (Don’t get discouraged). In other words be persistent.

God also told them some things they could be sure of. They could:

1. Be sure of His presence. “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you.”

“I will not forsake you.”

We can be sure God is with us!

2. Be sure of His power. “I will not fail you.”

God never fails. He has unlimited power. If He tells you to do

something, He provides the power to get it done, if we will just be obedient.

3. Be sure of His promise. “No one will be able to defeat you before you complete the job for which I send you.”

4. Be sure of His provision. “I have given you My word.”

God says He will provide for us and He is not a liar.

5. Be sure of His purpose. “I will have you possess the land.”

God told Joshua that He would have him possess the Land and God would have us defeat the enemy. It’s His purpose that we live in victory. We can be sure of that. If we just line our life up with God’s

purposes, then we are sure to win.

God gave Joshua and the Israelites a tough challenge, but He also gave them what they needed to meet the challenge. You are facing some tough challenges in 2010:

The challenge of following your leaders.

The challenge of crossing over from doubt and fear to trust and obedience.

The challenge of conquering the enemy and tearing down his strongholds.

The challenge of control and discipline.

The challenge of closure, or finishing the year strong.

These challenges may be tough but God will give you what you need to accomplish them. Just be sure you are faithful to His Word and obedient to His call.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

An Opportunity to Become Involved

I want to tell you about a wonderful opportunity to become involved in missions. The last three years that we have been in Peru have presented us with many wonderful opportunities to help national pastors and missionaries with the call God has given them in presenting the Gospel and winning souls for the Lord. Giuliani Anchante is one national missionary we have helped. Many of you have visited her feeding center and church while you were here in Arequipa. God has called Guilana from Lima to work in Arequipa. She came to work in the poor area of Peruarbo. There she runs a feeding center and a church. She has no building, but her outreach is mainly to youth and through the youth she is seeing whole families saved. They are meeting under the hot desert sun at this time, because they have no building. But even though conditions are hard, she continues the work of the Lord faithfully. She depends totally on faith, because she has no church sponsorship from the U.S. nor is her home church in Lima able to support her work.

We are trying to help Guilana put up a roof. It will be a very simple structure with no walls. She’ll use rough tree poles and aluminum only. Of course they would like a real building but they will be blessed at this point just to have something to shade them from the sun. This project can be accomplished for less than $200 and can make a tremendous difference. When you’re sitting in your comfortable chair at church next Sunday, please pray for this church where the members sit on rocks in the open sun and if God speaks to your heart to help finance this project, please contact us at or call us at 727-216-9617.

This church is one of the few churches in Peru that I know which has a missions vision. They have gone on various mission trips at great personal sacrifice. They do not go to the easy, comfortable areas but they go high in the mountains. They are planning a trip to the mountain area near Bolivia close to Puno. This is a step of faith for them. Most of the members have no job or at the most earn very little. Many children work in the mines and earn less than $3.00 per day. If you feel led to help with this trip, please let us know. As always, we only ask you to give if God speaks to you. You are so faithful to God and our ministry here in Peru and we thank you. We are praying that God is blessing you in every area of your life.

The following pictures are from Guiliana’s work in Peruarbo.


May God bless you for your heart for the lost,


Friday, January 6, 2012

Prayer Request for the Pennsylvania Team

Please be praying for the Nate DeWitt team.  They are having difficulties leaving the country.  For the last two days the weather has been so bad that their flights out of Arequipa have been cancelled.  This has been very unusual weather for Arequipa.  Last night they made the decision to charter a bus and drive 6-7 hours south to Tacna, a city which is located on the border with Chili.  From there they hope to catch a flight to Lima and fly out of Peru tonight.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Chachani Visit

Mariesa went with Nate DeWitt’s team to Chachani this week.  They ministered in this small pueblo outside Arequipa in the mountains.  The team shared food, friendship, fun, games, surprises, medical care and the Gospel Message.  Since a picture speaks a thousand words, I’ll just share some photos from their trip.