Sunday, January 22, 2012

Heaven Sent Ministries Team

Thank you so much for your prayers.  The team from Heaven Sent Ministries has arrived.  God was so merciful to open the heavens enough for their plane to come before the bad weather arrived.  They arrived tired but ready to  work.  You can’t imagine how much medicine they brought!  There are doctors and nurses and all kinds of support staff for this team.  They start clinics tomorrow and I am sure the people will be glad to see them.

They also brought vitamins and food for a feeding center.  They spent hours this afternoon sorting medicines as you can see from the photos below.  The team also met with MMI (Medical Ministries International).  We are partnering with MMI to carry out this team project.  It was a great time as we got to know everyone.  I just can’t understand why everyone doesn’t want to try cuy at least one time during the week.

Please keep them in your prayers all this week as they minister to the hearts and physical needs of many.

If you are interested in joining a team, please contact us.

May God’s love enfold you,



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